

So it's finally here. My vacation or holiday if you live anywhere besides the US. Kind of funny how the English language is broken into so many types of dialects. I find myself using all these British words that I never would have used in the States... "Line" is "Queue", "holiday is "vacation", "cheers" is "thanks"... To me it's all rather confusing.

I find myself correcting myself when speaking...

"Hey guys, we need to set up a line... Errr... I mean.. Umm... Queue...Outside the store.. I mean shop"

"wow it's crazy busy today! Must be because everyone is on vaca...holiday"

"thank you!" and yes I am I said thank you.. Not going to say "cheers" that's ridiculous.

Anyways, so it's my VACATION.. and I decided to might as well take advantage of the fact I'm in Asia and vacay to Thailand. Wasn't sure what to expect... First night out was slightly ridiculous... I am used to the craziness of Hong Kong... Especially in the Wan Chai area what I refer to as the "red light district" of Hong Kong... But just walking around the streets last night I never have before been offered more prostitutes, badgered by sales people, or had "cat calls" by random girls from the bars that line the streets. I thought I was gonna get raped... Scarier thing is, is that most of the women that were trying to entice me to come into the bar weren't really women... I'll let that stew in your brain for a second....

Ok... Definitely going to spend the rest of this vacation either at the beach, pool, or getting a massage.. And by massage I mean a legit massage from the spa at the resort...


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