
Tom Ford

Last night was the Tom Ford Cocktail Party. It was quit an experience for me. First off let me explain some things to those of you who aren't familiar with my background. I was raised in Lewisville, Texas, which is a suburb of Dallas. My mom and dad both did not raise me with any ideas of name brands or to keep up with modern fashion. First time I ever wore anything that was considered cool was in college when I bought my first A&F polo.

I did not major in college in anything remotely close to fashion. In fact, my major was Theological Studies, which to most of you means nothing, but basically I studied to work in a church.... Again, far from fashion world and modern style. Although living in California for those 4 years I did begin to understand different designers and clothing just because of the type of people that lived in San Jose, Cali.

Four weeks ago if you were to ask me if I knew who Tory Burch was.. I'd have no clue... if you had asked me who Tom Ford was... I'd again have no clue... So for me to say that I have been invited to the Tory Burch Fashion Show Party... and the Tom Ford Cocktail Store Opening Party.. Means probably everything to some of you who may read this.. but if you grew up like me (which I highly doubt) you probably have no clue what that means... and even less of what exactly the dress code would be for such an event.

So that brings me to last night... I wore a suit and dress shirt to the event assuming I'd be within the ranks of what the dress code would (which I was thankfully)... As I approach the the store which was in ifc Mall in Central, HK, I noticed that there are literally 25 photographers lined up in front of the store taking pictures of everyone that walks in. I proceed to the lady who checks your name on the guest list... and as I walk in I don't know whether to stop and let people photograph me or just walk in fast and awkward like... So I chose the latter. I walk in... hardly no one is in the store except the waiters who have wine and caviar hors d'oeuvres.

Sooo... I put my best face forward and began to mingle and meet people. I will not get into the details of who I met because for most of you reading this you will have no clue who they are... Many were Hong Kong singers and movie stars... and the rest were Editors in Chief for magazines and newspapers in South China.

Its kinda hard to mingle with people who all are in their 40's and 50's and are the bosses for their respected companies and the rest of the people who were my age were ether popstars or supermodels. Of course, this sounds like me bragging which I am.. but again kind of awkward.

Well... that's it for me so far... I'll fill you guys in on my weekend on my next blog


Regina said...

Amazing. Very few of us will ever experience this! One thing you forgot to mention.. how exactly, or why were you invited? : )

Nathan Jacobs said...

I know the event planner for all these parties