

As I write this post I want to remind those of you who read it that I do not at all think negatively towards Hong Kong, but this is definitely my experience while I've been here.

The last city I was in was Seoul, South Korea... and as I'm sure I didn't get to really see it. There were not huge bugs. I know people have told me that Seoul does get very humid during the July and August months, but I'm sure it'll be very comparable to Texas weather.

Hong Kong on the other hand has been nothing but humid and very very rainy weather which of course breeds... Cockroaches! I can't begin to describe to you my phobia I
have for these bugs. Its not something I'm necessarily proud of... nor is it something I try and let people know the first instance they meet me, but th
ey scare the crap out of me.

So I was walking down the alley ways to get back to my apartment, and on any given night I'll see from anywhere 2-3 cockroaches scurry around in the dark corners. Even though they might be a good 10 feet away I like them to be a good 15 to 20 feet away from me. As I walking down this alley way on this particular night. I see a huge cockroach in the middle of the road. First instinct is to freeze. Thinking to myself... If I don't move maybe it'll not see me and won't attack.... usually this works and it runs away towards a dark crevice. This particular night the cockroach moved only slightly away from me. So I weigh my options... strategize... and conclude that running and jumping over this bug is the best solution... so I do...

Five feet past this bug I walk briskly down the alley way when another cockroach lands on my hand.... Now I'm not a screamer, nor do I panic in situations like this... but that bug caused every child hood nightmare to surge to the top of my vocal chords and I screamed louder and faster than I could sling my hand around to knock it off. Even as I type this blog I get the chills thinking about it.


I know for a fact I'll run into another one before I leave Hong Kong, in fact, I had one run at me last night, but seriously... I have to be in the country that is infested with my biggest phobia... lets place me on stage with millions of people to watch and have me sing a solo in a closed dark box while we are at it.

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