
Universal Healthcare for Asia!!!

So today I decided taking a sick day is the only and best viable option left for me. Its actually a first... I do not think in the 3 1/2 years I have been employed in A&F have I ever taken a sick day, but I really don't have much of an option.

First the GM here who is really my direct supervisor/boss is teamed up with me 8-10 hours every day 5 days a week. The DM who is here also is around me about that same amount of time. So the only option left for me is to take a sick day or else I'll infect the team. Kinda blows though cause I feel very unproductive just sitting at my Apt surfing the internet for recruiting ideas and answering emails.

I do however laugh at the fact that my Doctor's apt and my 'scripts were only a total of $32.00 (american). How can that be even possible? I'm going venture a guess and say that Hong Kong has some sort of universal health plan which makes that possible, but still. Its by far the cheapest dr. visit I've ever had which included 6 different medications which were given to me in the doctors office. Yeah, no waiting in line at a Rx store.. just sat there in the office for 10 minutes and was given my meds right then and there.

Ok... so as backwards and different as Hong Kong is from America I gotta admit that they seriously got this whole Doctors visit down to a science. I mean, in Texas, I'd first have to schedule an appointment a day in advance... sit in the waiting area (for an hour)... get to finally enter the room... then wait again for another 20 min... and finally see a doctor... 5 minutes later I leave with a prescription... just to go to a pharmacy and do the whole thing over again..

Hong Kong doctors office in and out in 25 minutes... I haven't had food service in Hong Kong that was that fast... I think I'm going to find something else wrong with me just cause I know it's going to be a fast and simple process to get it fixed.

Ok... so as you can tell that was my enjoyment of the day. On a final note I hate being sick because I have to sit around and do nothing... Lets be honest I have ADD and I can't sit still in a movie theater for 2 hours without getting bored much less sit in my Apt all day and not get bored.. Sick or not... this Asian boy needs stimulation to keep himself out of trouble...

Any ideas on what I can do???

1 comment:

Unknown said...

London has been interesting too, overall, I like the health care here a lot better. The waiting time is much less and if youre a resident its free, and the prescriptions so far are free too. Drawbacks are you only get about 10 minutes with the dr so it is not as in depth speaking with them about what ails ya, and you better not be late for your appt (like i was) because you actually get scolded at the reception. personal responsibility is paramount here. I like it though...it forces you to take care of yourself and not expect others to do it for you, which is the opposite effect some people would expect from universal healthcare.